Whether you believe it or not, web hosting matters a lot when it comes to online business. Just getting any hosting service won’t reach your business goal. Web hosting needs to be reliable, should give you lightning-fast loading speed, and above all support team should be for you 24/7 round the clock. The unlimited storage, unmetered bandwidth, and unbeatable hosting are what HostGator Shared Hosting will strive to provide for you and it will offer all the hosting needs that you need to grow your small online business and blog.
HostGator Shared Hosting
Save up to 65% hosting plans
Most online businesses don’t get success even if their sites are dynamic and attractive. The low loading speed of your site can high affect search rankings (Google, Bing). And, you must have known the higher the posting on the search result page the more business growth. The main objective of HostGator is to provide its customers with the true power of web hosting which will help you to convert your small business into a massive one quickly.
If you want a true power for your upcoming or existing website, small business, or blog then HostGator Shared Hosting can assist you to accomplish your goal.
The following factor had made this HostGator Shared Hosting valuable for small businesses.
- Free Domain Name Registration
- Free SSL Certificate
- One click installs like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, and more.
- Unmetered Bandwidth & disk space
- 45-day money back guarantee
- $150 Google Ads spend match credit
- $100 Microsoft Advertising credit
- FREE website & domain transfers
- FREE HostGator Website Builder
- FREE email
- Learn more
HostGator Shared Hosting Plan Pricing & Details
The HostGator has tailored the 3 best Shared Hosting plans for you. Also, they are having up to 65% off till 2nd December 2021. So, if you are really interested in starting your small business or blog, you should not miss the chance.
Hatchling Plan | Baby Plan (Recommended) | Business Plan |
$2.75 per month | $3.50 per month | $5.25 per month |
Single website | Unlimited websites | Unlimited websites |
One-click WordPress installs | One-click WordPress Installs | One-click WordPress Installs |
Free WordPress/cPanel website transfer | Free WordPress/cPanel website transfer | Free WordPress/cPanel website transfer |
Unmetered bandwidth | Unmetered bandwidth | Unmetered bandwidth |
Free SSL certificate | Free SSL certificate | Free SSL certificate |
Free Domain Included | Free Domain Included | Free Upgrade to Positive SSL |
– | – | Free Dedicated IP |
– | – | Free SEO Tools |
– | – | Free Domain Included |
Every website owner wants their hosting to be reliable because if the website doesn’t get down then it is guaranteed to go up, right? That is the reason HostGator focuses on customer needs and has gained the trust of more than 2 million web pros.
Now is your turn to get a website live and start dominating the online market with your small business. Also, because Black Friday is near, you can check our collection of HostGator coupons & promo codes that can help you get an extra discount on your purchase.