In this blog, get to know what web hosting is and how does it work.
In fact, after reading this article, you will be able to choose the right web hosting service.
The best part?
With the best web hosting knowledge, you can start your website in 2024, quickly!
Let’s get started…
What is Web Hosting?
Web hosting is a business that helps bring websites to life on the internet. Or, it is the place where you can store files, information, data, etc. of your website.
In simple example – Let us say, you want to start a shop in a local market. The first thing that would require is a place where you can start storing and selling products. It’s exactly similar to that. Web hosting allows you to host a website and make an online presence.
Because of web hosting services, one can start and enhance online business.
How Does Web Hosting work?
The website collects lots of information and data. Once you start a website, you need a place to store all collected data accessible by everyone, anytime.
Where will you?
This is where web hosting comes into the picture.

When you sign up for a web hosting package, the company will provide a server for your site. This makes it easy for you to store and upload files to the server.
But for a full-functioning website, 1 thing is still missing. That is a Domain name.
The domain is the name of your website which lets web browsers know this is where your files are located. Example – www.example.com.
Therefore, when a user types in your domain name or clicks on a link to your site, the web browser gets the information from the server and displays them. This whole process takes a few seconds or less.
This is exactly how web hosting works.
Few more things to learn about web hosting!
Let us understand through an example.
In the offline zone, shop rents are not equal. They are determined by place and how much you pay for that shop.
Meaning – If you rent a shop near-normal streets it will cost low, whereas if you prefer to rent inside a trending shopping mall the price would be expensive. Something the same goes with the web hosting service.
There are different types of web hosting services to choose from according to needs. Perhaps, beginners starting with a basic would be a wise choice.
Types of Web Hosting
When you think of starting a website, you might face different types of web hosting services which is enough to confuse a novice. Sometimes beginners pick the wrong web hosting services and regret them later.
Now, you are safe!
Look at the popular web hosting types:
Shared Hosting
Shared hosting is the type of web hosting service where multiple websites are hosted on a single server. In this hosting platform resources like RAM, Disk Space, Bandwidth, etc. are shared with other website owners.
Because multiple websites are hosted on a single server the price of the hosting plan becomes cheap and affordable for started web admin.
VPS Hosting
Virtual Private Network aka VPS is the type of web hosting where multiple websites are hosted in a single server but unlike shared hosting, resources are dedicated to individuals.
This type of hosting performs better than shared hosting and comes a little costly. It is like having two different rooms in a single flat.
Once traffic starts growing, you can switch shared hosting to VPS hosting.
Dedicated Hosting
Dedicated hosting is the type of hosting service where all resources are dedicated to a single user. This hosting comes expensive and is used for e-commerce, gaming websites, etc.
With Dedicated Server, you get all the top-class facilities of hosting that you want for your site. If your business needs a high-quality server without any disturbance, Dedicated hosting is best.
Do remember the Dedicated Server comes at a cost.
Cloud Hosting
Cloud hosting is the type of hosting where your website is hosted on multiple different servers simultaneously. There is a huge benefit to hosting your sites on a cloud server. One of them is your website never goes down. This is because if one server becomes overloaded, the traffic will be automatically routed to another cloud server within the cluster.
WordPress Hosting
WordPress hosting is a type of hosting service that has been specially optimized and fine-tuned to run WordPress websites at peak performance.
In the WordPress hosting service, all the technical needs and adjustments are managed by the company. Without having much coding knowledge it can be fully utilized.
So, these were the popular types of web hosting you would need at the moment. Rest, you’ll automatically learn once you go inside the jungle of the digital era.
Why web hosting is important in 2024?
There is a simple answer to this question.
If you want to become successful in 2024, web hosting is important.
Launching a website opens many doors for opportunities. A million people are taking advantage of online business, why shouldn’t you?
Whether you got groceries, fast food shops, or an electronic shop, etc. taking the business online is easy with good web hosting services. Plus, hundreds of customers want a good product to their doorstep.
Another thing, you can share ideas through the blog post and can generate a lot of earnings just sitting at home.
This is 2024, no need to go anywhere for searching jobs, a website is enough for making a good career. But for that web hosting is vital. Without it, it’s nearly impossible to create a website.
Where can I buy web hosting?
There are lots of web hosting providers in the online market. Everyone claims to be the best web hosting service provider. That’s not true.
Some provider offers web hosting at a cheap price but cut premium features.
Below listed are some top reliable web hosting providers;
- GoDaddy – Best for website hosting needs
- BlueHost – Best for WordPress website
- HostGator – Best for starting blog/small business
Before purchasing a hosting package there are a few things you should look at.
- Bandwidth – This is the amount of traffic you receive each month. Limited bandwidth can slower your site speed which is not good. Try to select a web hosting plan that offers you unlimited bandwidth.
- Uptime – Uptime is whether your site is active all the time or not. Usually, the hosting provider claims to offer 99.9% uptime.
- Storage – Website files are generally small, but if you’re using a lot of images, videos, or storing lots of user data, then need to make sure storage is sufficient.
- Email accounts – Most of the provider offers a free business email account with the hosting purchase. However, some might charge you for that. If you want a business domain associate email-address, look for it!
- Support – You may not know where technical issues may arrive. So, always go for a quality customer support team.
Which web hosting is best for small business or beginners?
Starting a website with basic web hosting or WordPress hosting would be much better for beginners. Once your site starts getting traffic, you can easily switch the hosting plan to VPS/Cloud or Dedicated.
You can start your blogging website or small online business with an affordable web hosting plan.
The above-mentioned hosting providers like GoDaddy, Bluehost, and HostGator offer everything that you’ll need to create a beautiful, fully flexible running website. As per your budget, you’ll get to see top-notch features like single/unlimited websites, unlimited bandwidth, Free SSL certificate, Free Domain, unlimited email accounts, and more.
Final Words
Those were all about what web hosting is and how it works.
I hope the article worked for you.
There are more about web hosting but I covered some basics.
But the above-mentioned information is enough to know how web hosting works and start an online career.
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